- Project Management & ICT consultancy: a combination of managerial breadth with technical depth
- … with capacity to deal with all levels: staff at board, stakeholders / beneficiaries, senior executive, managerial, supervisory and operational levels
- … with management of the human and technical resources for the goals of short term and long term projects
- ICT / IMS international consultant with wide-ranging expertise in the effective application of information technology (MIS and IMS) to the needs of private sector corporations, government agencies or organization [Read more…]
- Managing the impact of change brought by Information technology and Information Management Systems – Information Management Systems include Systems and Database.
- Information and IT/ Data Strategy, IT / Data Governance (including Meta Data), IT / Data Quality Control
- Managing in projects to design, analyze, implement, develop, maintain, troubleshoot / tests / quality control, document information system and training
- Web Development & Web Marketing, Search Engines Optimization (SEO) and Web Strategy
- IT Capacity Building
- Helping analyze requests for proposals and preparing technical proposals
- Maintaining expert knowledge in the areas of security analysis, design, and configuration
- Exploitation of information technology in order to fulfil corporate strategy and goals
- Extraction of competitive advantage from information technology
- My primary interests and expertise are in Web Based Technologies or e-Technologies
- Federate synergies, energies with Quality and Efficiency
- [Read more…]
Information systems consultants analyze, design and develop information systems business solutions and provide advice on a wide range of information systems issues. Also Known As: Business Systems Specialist, Computer Specialist, Informatics Consultant, Information Specialist, Information Technology Specialist, Management Information Systems Consultant, Systems Analyst.
I am greatly concerned that the match must be ensured between organisational mission, goals and strategies on the one hand, and uses of technology on the other. In some cases, this dictates careful selection and/or development of technology in order to achieve alignment of technology with an organisation’s proven ways of working. In other instances, technology needs to be used as a catalyst for organisational change, and revolutionary business process re-engineering is appropriate. e-technologies are now a factor key of many business success and benefits.
IT / Data governance is also a critical component in improving IT management. It covers risk management as well as heightened accountability in decision-making
As an initiative-taking person, I have a keen awareness of organisation and an ability to manage complex workloads and find the connections, patterns and relationships underlying a project.
Bio: Jean-Baptiste Mounier is currently working as a senior ICT consultant for different companies and organizations by providing Project and Business Management specialized in ICT Solutions & Consultancywith Information Management Systems – much of it in challenging situations. He is a very experienced in Web based technologies.
Arrived in 2001 in Jakarta, he works for more than 13 years in Indonesia starting by deploy and administrate a Software and Data Entry Company with more than 90 employees and for almost 4 years. Since 2006, Jean-Baptiste Mounier is working in Indonesia and Worldwide as a Senior ICT Consultant, mostly for some programmes under the European Commission. In the same time, he created his own company and tailor made solutions/plateforms in France. [Read more…]
He managed successfully many projects for big corporations: Peugeot PSA, Bank BNP, Groupe Second Marché, Sophie Paris, European Commission… [Read more…]
Jean-Baptiste Mounier is an international expert involving computer, web and Internet issues, as well as advising governments and companies on strategy. He developed many management information systems, developed and executed corporate strategy plans, and implemented Internet/Intranet based systems. His expertise is based on a solid technical and management experience. [Read more…]
You can contact me directly or let a comment on the activities page.Jean-Baptiste Mounier
Notes: This site was created with a new generation of tool www.creation-website.com, which is one of my direct products. As you can see and as you can try, it offers large possibilities whatsoever to design a particular site or a corporate website.